Netsilon LogoNetsilon

Architecture of Netsilon Netsilon is a web application modeler independent from deployment platforms : one can describe a complete dynamic web application at the analysis level without integrating any detail depending on the application server or the database server. An application model is composed of 3 different views:

Moreover, the business model is manipulated by a platform-independent action language, Xion, that can be used in the business model for defining method and constructor bodies, and anywhere in the hypertext model where data need to be accessed.
Netsilon includes a business model editor, navigation model editor, a Xion semantic-aware editor and a simple HTML textual editor. Moreover, the tool is shipped with automatic generators for the following platforms: You can also have a look at the business presentation.

Netsilon ModelsNetsilon Code Generator

Download Netsilon.
Download the exchange case study.
Download tutorials (in french).
A nice WIKI web application is maintained by Alain Bento.
You can find some hints about installing Netsilon and all the necessary environment for PHP/MySQL generation on the Linux (Debian) platform here.

The code generated by Netsilon has been successfully tested for security (illegal parameters passing, SQL in formulars, global variables overloading...).
To use a Netsilon generated PHP application, you need to allow global variables, which are necessary for and safely managed by generated scripts. To do so, you need to specify in your php.ini:
register_globals = On

Examples of websites developped using Netsilon are

Related Publications1

About Netsilon

Using Netsilon

Netsilon Online Help1

The help system is organized into the following main

User's guide How to create, use and deploy projects
Reference manual Inside Netsilon concepts
Xion manual Inside the action language of Netsilon

Copyright 1999-2002 ObjeXion Software SA. All rights reserved.

1. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.