Frédéric Fondement is a research and teaching assistant in the computer science and control department of the ENSISA engineering school. His area of interest includes model- and language-driven software engineering. He received in 2007 his PhD. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) for his work on concrete syntaxes for modeling languages, and in 2000 his engineering degree from the University of Mulhouse. In 2002 he was a research engineer at INRIA Rennes where he developed a model transformation language. In 2000-2001 he was part of the research and development team of ObjeXion Software where he developed a web application modeler.



The research projects I am/was involved in:
The development projects I am/was involved in:
PC Co-chair :MODEVVA 2011
PC Memberships :IDM 2011 ; Agile in Action 2009 ; IDM 2008 ; IDM 2006 ; IDM 2005
Referee for :
    Book: Model-Driven Software Development
    Journals: Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) ; IET Software ; Journal on Systems and Software ; World Wide Web Journal
    Conferences: Models 2010 Models 2009 Software Language Engineering (SLE) 2009 Models 2008 Models/UML 2005 ; VL-HCC 2005 ; UML 2003 ; UML 2001 ; UML 2000


You can also have a look at DBLP, or at Microsoft Academic, or at Google Scholar.


For the time being, my courses are all in french...
Those lectures are given at the ensisa engineering school, at the computer science and control department.

Additionally, I was invited to give a lecture at the Modeling Wizard "summer" school in 2009. Topic was to introduce tools for MDE. A practical session made possible to compare different approaches to language engineering.

Moreover, it was my pleasure to host in Mulhouse one of the stops of the AgileTour 2008.

Previous lives

I synthesized all my contributions and perspectives (even though they do not completely match my current work) in a presentation in april 2008. Moreover, here are some other I produced, as a resume from my previous lives...: My previous lives are also described in my CV (here is the extended version, the more academic-fashioned version, and the "Dossier de candidature à la qualification aux fonctions de maître de conférences, 27ème section" ) - all in French...

Interesting quotes about CS

Here are some interesting quotes about computer science...

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